Fact 3: SP-1 to Stop Bleeding

We’re on day 3! Thanks for sticking with our Daily Acupuncture Facts. This time we’re talking about SP-1…


SP-1 (隱白 yǐn bái) can be used to stop bleeding

This can be for bleeding in the upper body (such as nosebleed or vomiting blood), or for lower body bleeding (such as uterine bleeding, blood in the urine, or blood in the stools).

SP-1 is located on the medial side of the big toe, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.


Remember, one of the actions of the Spleen is that it manages the blood. So the Spleen has a role in creating blood, but it also contains the blood and keeps it inside the vessels. That is why SP-1 can be used for bleeding conditions.

Clinically, this is commonly used for uterine bleeding (profuse menses, prolonged menses, or spotting between periods) due to deficiency.

However SP-1 can also be used for other types of bleeding, both in the lower body and upper body: uterine bleeding, blood in the urine or stools, vomiting blood, or nosebleed.

For bleeding due to deficiency, moxa can be applied to SP-1 (either moxa cones or a moxa stick). For bleeding due to excess (such as heat entering the blood and causing reckless movement of blood), you can prick to bleed SP-1.

If you want to review more points on the Spleen channel, you can watch the ​Spleen Channel Lecture​ video on the website.



For severe and ceaseless nosebleed, the Classic of Supplementing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion recommends SP-1 and UB-40.

UB-40 has an action of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, so it can also be used for nosebleed.

Uterine Bleeding (Metrorrhagia):

This is profuse or prolonged bleeding beyond the menstrual period (also called "flooding and spotting").

There are two patterns that can cause the (excess and deficiency), and both of them use SP-1 in treatment.

🔥 Excess heat can cause bleeding. When heat enters the blood, it causes the blood to speed up and move recklessly outside of the vessels. Here the bleeding will be an abrupt onset of profuse or prolonged continuous bleeding that is dark red and color. There will be other signs of heat such as insomnia, red tongue with yellow coat, and a rapid pulse.

  • REN-3, SP-1, SP-10, LV-8

As mentioned, SP-1 stops bleeding. Similarly, SP-10 cools the blood and stops bleeding. LV-8 soothes the Liver and clears heat in the lower jiao. REN-3 is a meeting point of the Ren and Chong, so it can help with bleeding.

🥱 Qi deficiency can cause bleeding when the qi is unable to contain the blood. This type of bleeding is either sudden and profuse or continuous and scanty, and is light red and thin. There are other deficiency signs such as fatigue, shortness of breath, pale tongue, and a thin, weak pulse.

  • SP-1, SP-6, ST-36, REN-4, SJ-4, DU-20

SP-1 stops bleeding. SP-6 and ST-36 tonify qi. REN-4 adjust the Ren and Chong to contain blood. SJ-4 is generally good for qi, and DU-20 raises sinking qi.

So the point here is: SP-1 is not just for lower body bleeding due to deficiency. It can be used for either lower body or upper body bleeding, and it can be used in both excess and deficiency conditions.

I hope that was helpful, and I hope you’re able to contain your excitement for all of these acupuncture facts.

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Source: A Manual of Acupuncture, by Peter Deadman et al., Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications, 2007, pp. 182

Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (3rd Edition), by Deng Liangyue et al., Foreign Languages Press, 2016, pp. 479-480

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