Fact 4: GB-37 Brightens the Eyes
I hope you’re feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to learn about acupuncture points! This time we’re talking about GB-37…
The name of GB-37 is Guāng Míng, which means “bright light.”
This is referring to this point’s ability to treat eye problems, such as eye pain, redness or itching of the eyes, vision problems, and night blindness.
GB-37 is located 5 cun above the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
GB-37 is the Luo-Connecting point of the Gallbladder channel.
One of the functions of Luo-Connecting points is that they treat disorders of the yin-yang paired channel or organ. Well, the eyes are governed by the Liver, so GB-37 benefits the eyes.
Jue Ming Zi (cassiae semen) also brightens the eyes.
If you’re also studying herbs, you may be familiar with Jue Ming Zi and Shi Jue Ming. These are two herbs that also have the character 明 (míng - “brightness”) in the name, and they also have an action of brightening the eyes.
But for GB-37, I would remember: benefits the eyes.
I hope you find these facts illuminating. We’ll see you in the next one…