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TCMStudy Single Herbs Review Course
Welcome to the Single Herbs Review Course! (3:37)
Part 1: Properties of Herbs
Introduction and Handouts
1.1 - Properties of Herbs (Temperature and Taste) (15:31)
1.2 - Entering Channels, Dosages, Cautions & Contraindications (8:12)
1.3 - Pao Zhi - Methods of Preparation (9:33)
1.4 - Principles of Combination (6:58)
1.5 - Common Chinese Terms (7:09)
Audio Lecture: Basic Properties of Herbs
Practice Test (17 Questions)
Part 2: Herb Categories
Lecture: Herb Categories (11:24)
Practice Test (20 Questions)
Category Matching Test
Part 3: Review of Herbology 1
Introduction and Handouts
3.1 - Herbs that Release the Exterior (25:28)
3.2 - Herbs that Clear Heat (37:51)
3.3 - Downward-Draining Herbs (10:38)
3.4 - Herbs that Drain Dampness (16:30)
Audio: Review of Herbology 1
Practice Test (56 Questions)
Practice Test: Case Studies
Part 4: Review of Herbology 2
Introduction and Handouts
4.1 - Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness (15:36)
4.2 - Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Cough (17:53)
4.3 - Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness (7:34)
4.4 - Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation (6:31)
4.5 - Herbs that Regulate the Qi (11:40)
4.6 - Herbs that Stop Bleeding (15:05)
4.7 - Herbs that Invigorate the Blood (12:22)
Audio: Review of Herbology 2
Practice Test (46 Questions)
Part 5: Review of Herbology 3
Introduction and Handouts
5.1 - Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold (9:16)
5.2 - Tonifying Herbs (37:06)
5.3 - Herbs that Stabilize and Bind (13:41)
5.4 - Substances that Calm the Spirit (8:46)
5.5 - Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices (5:58)
5.6 - Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremor (6:59)
5.7 - Expel Parasites and Topical Application (4:06)
Practice Test (41 Questions)
Audio: Review of Herbology 3
Part 6: Bonus
Shang Han Lun & Wen Bing Herbs (30:32)
Secondary Functions of Herbs (81:57)
Dui Yao - Herbal Pairs (26:25)
Herb ID Test
Board Review - Trending Topics
Download the Handouts
Contraindicated During Pregnancy (9:11)
18 Incompatible Herbs and 19 Antagonisms (8:33)
Herb Quality Criteria
5.6 - Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremor
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